Drafting issues on a fireplace are, unfortunately, a very common problem.  Homes are more energy efficient and energy audits are now commonplace.  Although they’re great for energy consumption, sealing up air leaks, upgrading your windows or adding insulation in your attic can affect the performance of a chimney.

Luckily, there are adjustments you can make to your existing fireplace to promote and encourage draft.  There are a variety of solutions available to reverse poor draft and some adjustments are even at no cost and are simply tweaks that can be made during the fire lighting process.

There are many possible causes of smoke problems and they are a major source of complaints from homeowners. It is definitely best to consult a professional if your chimney has smoke problems. With a thorough inspection, we can offer solutions to assist with negative draft.

Potential Solutions

Smoke Guard

Sometimes a fireplace smokes because the opening of the box is too large.  When this is the case, a metal piece can be installed along the top side of the fireplace to reduce opening and encourage smoke to go up the chimney instead of into the room.

Enervex Fan

When the chimney is experiencing performance problems, a mechanical fan can be installed at the peak of the chimney to pull the smoke up and out.  A chimney fan is a sure fire solution to many fireplace down draft issues:

  • Prevent spillage from the fireplace opening
  • Create proper draft to maintain a perfect fire
  • Prevent downdraft
  • Make it easier to start a fire
  • Reduce emission
  • Keep the chimney closed when not in use to save energy


When a chimney is experiencing a down draft due to wind, a Vacu-Stack is a great solution.  The wrapped metal sections force wind around the cap, opposed to through, which can induce a positive draw and reverse fireplace smoke back up.
